Security CPD Global Ltd is an approved training provider for a wide range of regulated and Online qualifications  

Understanding The Management Process

C-Suite – CEOs and Directors must have a developed understanding of their role in setting the standards by which they expect their agents, employees, and managers will conduct business on their behalf. Primarily this will be actioned through Policies, Procedures, and Standards that protect the company from breaching the Law of the Land, and ensure its ethical presence meets society’s expectations. It can also be met by engaging third-party investigators, cyber and physical penetration testers, or mystery shoppers who will independently and without malice or favour subject the business to a conformity compliance test to reassure or highlight vulnerabilities to a wide range of internal or external threats.

Managers – Their primary role is to take directions from the C-Suite to implement and communicate those policies, procedures, standards, and projects, in an ethical yet productive and safe system of work. To do this they are required to communicate clearly and concisely the contents of those policies, procedures, standards, and projects whilst upholding the ethical expectations of their employers. Managers again must lead by example in the same manner as their peers. 

Supervisors – The Supervisor’s role is to take direction from their managers implementing and communicating the specific sections of the policies, procedures, and standards relating to the projects they are directly responsible for supervising again ensuring the companies ethical standards are being implemented. They will also be required to provide reports and other documentation for their line managers, such as productivity, grievances, disciplinaries, and any shortages, etc.

Employees – Are as important as all others within the organisation, as they are at the front of the business, providing services or constructing the products that are essential to the viability of the business. They take directions from their supervisors and physically engage in the work process, whilst conforming to the required policies, procedures, and standards for the particular part of the project. They have a mandatory requirement to comply with Health & Safety at Work and to report defects or issues liable to cause a breach of company policy, procedure, standards, or of HSE requirements. They may also be required to provide reports or documentation on their own productivity or observations.

 Here for On-Line Training with Security CPD Global Ltd

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We have been with Highfields since 2001 

Security Top Up Courses

Close Protection Security CPD

Level 2 Close Protection Top Up (3 DAYS ) 

  • Valid First Aid Certificate 
  • Both ACT Certificates 
  • Able to read and write English 

Booking for Courses: or Whats App 07725970954

Aviation Security

Level 2 Door Supervisor Top Up (2 DAYS )


  • Valid First Aid Certificate 
  • Both ACT Certificates 
  •  Able to read and write English
  • Booking for Courses: or Whats App 07725970954

One of the great things about working and training with Security CPD Global is our adaptability and dedication to our learner’s journey, by combining regulated qualifications with CPD Learning we are able to ensure each learner gets the most from their courses which is relevant to their industry or sector. Let us take Risk Assessment as an example, although the basics can be taught generically Security risk assessment is more complex than completing an office assessment, so combining the two allows our learners to specialize.  


Occupational & Operational Competence



What does it really mean to be Occupationally and or Operationally Competent?

Occupational Competence 

The ability to perform a task in a workplace with a certain level of previously acquired proficiency that meets National Occupational Standards (NOS)

Operational Competence 

This is the expedient application or adaption of prior Training, Knowledge, and Experience to complete successful tasks either alone or as a part of a team 


Operational Planning & Close Target Reconnaissance (CTR)

This course is designed for specialist operators within Close Protection or Investigations work, providing them with knowledge and skills to plan, observe, and record details with respect to conducting a lawful observation of possible criminal or unauthorised activity which is required prior to, or during a full surveillance operation.  

Covert Operational Equipment & Deployment

This course brings together a wide range of Covert Equipment and provides you with the knowledge and skills to mount an electronic surveillance operation. On the course, you’ll be introduced to the equipment and learn the limitations and requirements as well as what is possible from very basic elements found on the internet and professionally.


Close Protection Executive

The course provides you with all the knowledge and skills required introduce you to the world of the Close Protection Operative and will enable you to obtain a UK SIA Badge 


Membership Application Request

Surveillance Operator 

Pending Up date

First Operator On the Scene 


Pending Up dates 


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